
There are plenty of sites out there that cover science fiction and some fantasy on the side. We do the opposite. Fantasy Folder is a website focused entirely on fantasy novels and movies, and maybe some light science fiction once in a while…but only if it sits somewhere near the edge that separates sci-fi from fantasy.

Here at Fantasy Folder we believe that fantasy stories are the kind that anyone can enjoy. Even though the publishing industry has an irritating tendency to label said books as “children’s books,” we believe that if it has a good story, classifications don’t matter. The books known as “YA” or “Young Adult” books are where the real headache is, and where this really comes into play. YA fantasy generally could sit in the adult section of a bookstore, but doesn’t due to arbitrary classification by the publishers’ marketing departments. Have you read Harry Potter? Those books are marketed as “children’s books,” mainly because they’re not over the top violence-wise, and there is isn’t really any explicit material, though books 4-7 really aren’t children’s books. If you want good fantasy, the first place to look is the YA/children’s section at your library.


Email: matt [[at]] fantasy folder [[dot]] com
