Mastiff by Tamora Pierce

It seems like such a long time since I first read Terrier, the first book in Tamora Pierce’s Provost’s Dog trilogy. Oh wait, that’s because it was six years ago, back in 2006. I only hazily remember the plot of the first book, but I remember enjoying it. (It’s definitely one of Pierce’s better books.) […]


Bloodhound: The Legend of Beka Cooper Book 2

Bloodhound is the second book in Tamora Pierce’s trilogy centered around Beka Cooper, an ancestor of George Cooper’s (the Rogue from Pierce’s earlier Alanna series). Sequel to Terrier, Bloodhound continues the story of Beka’s life as one of the Provost’s Guard, Tortall’s police, also known as the Dogs. In Bloodhound, counterfeit coins are flooding Corus, […]
