How does one go out and find fresh news in the fantasy sphere? It’s not easy, and it’s time-consuming.

Luckily, it just got easier.

Fantasy Wire, a new section of, automatically aggregates fantasy news from around the internet. Several times a day, it pings certain sites and checks to see if they have anything new, and collects links to the articles all on one page. It checks Google News and Yahoo News searches, sites on dedicated to specific fantasy series, fantasy sections on movie sites, etc.

This new system will allow Fantasy Folder to quickly find hot news to research, and will allow you to get it too. If you’re an RSS fanatic, you can even subscribe to Fantasy Wire.

As it stands, the Wire is in it’s early stages, but it does a fair job at rounding up timely news. Over time we will add more sources, tweak and add news search plugins, and try to tune the system to perfection. So be sure to let us know if there is something missing, any topics that you wish would be included.